Application 2858

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
To learn, teach, and build redstone stuff! Also to make new friends... (because I don't have any).
Past Redstone Experience: 
Shown in Personality ^^^ I've attached some pictures
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Currently studying these programming lanuages; C++, C, Revolution, Visual BASIC, REAL BASIC, Lua, Forth, HTML, JavaScript, Java and I plan on learning machine code.
Application status: 
Not approved


Flandyn's picture

Please, Do not write everything in, describe your personality and the use Past Redstone Experience as an refery. "Part of an ALU" How come you only made a part? Please tell us more about each thing. Use the questions. What you have made with redstone has absolutly nothing to do with your presonality.

By Flandyn

My sister deleted the map, and I did't feel like doing the same thing twice. I sort of rage quit on it.


I'm just a nice kid who focuses mostly on school work, kind of puny but I can defend my self okay. I envy other people's freindship because I have no friends. I am a bit more mature than the average preteen... but sometimes I freak out if someone screws with someone/something I care about.

Redstone experience:

I consider my self above-average in redstone, but not an expert. I know most logic gates, but I have trouble studying the JK Flip-Flop/
Latch. I have built a 2 digit integer calculator, and building it again to prove for funsies. The basic concept is; 2 Sets of number pads and a pad of operations (-, +, *, /) bussed to a decoder, which is then bussed to a encoder, which finally displayed using 3 7-Segment displays, and some other stuff controlled but the operation in use. I have also build Tic-Tic-Toe, I can't explain it very well but because I built it a few months back. It uses a RS-NOR latch to control the turn function, and the buttons are bussed to a decoder which is, you guessed it! It is bussed to a encoder which is then bussed to some displays. I don't think I can explain the compact multiplexer, just used a sticky piston and some repeaters.

By rawrimalion10

If you are wondering why she deleted the map she cleans out the saves folder occasionally and got confused on what was my 'play around redstone world' and what was my 'project world'

By rawrimalion10

Flandyn's picture

Well you have still misunderstood the questions. Since Describe your personality doesn't meant he same as Describe yourself. Personality basiaclly means; Abilities, What's Speciel about you, why would we choose you, Anything you are good at, and other things. And Please post a new application. And we want to hear more about why do you want to join the server; How did you hear about us, What do you expect to learn, what do you want to learn etc.

By Flandyn

I feel like an idiot again.... :(

By rawrimalion10