Application 2866

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join this server because I was looking for something new, and looking for inspiration. The server was welcoming and it is moderated, which is good. it is neither too small or neither too big and their is people on in my time zone. I want to meet new people who can help me and i can help them too :)
Past Redstone Experience: 
I am a learn as you go builder and making many redstone designs are easy and most things are always achievable. I have an extremely large redstone history because that is my profession in MineCraft and always make stuff associated with pistons and redstone such as a massive rebuild-able base which I will hopefully show to everyone. In addition I know many variations of lifts, many which I have created. I am knowledgeable about how redstone works. I think I also made one of the fastest repeaters deemed useless because nothing can really operate that fast. But I have no doubt someone will have probably created it before anyway.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Most of the time I have a lame taste when building houses :P I have never hacked in the 2 years of playing MineCraft. (Played since the end of Alpha)
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

Good written application, no spelling errors as I can see. 3 full lines in avarage: Me likey :P

By Flandyn