Application 2589

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i find that watching other builds allows me to stem off into inspirational modes where i know what i should build
Past Redstone Experience: 
imade an entire adventure map that has redstone all throughout called In Chase Of X. it includes item-specific door locks(an iron slides on ice that activates a dispenser with another iron so that they goup, but first they pass an rs nor latch that goes into an and gate upon which the other half is after the grouping and is a not gate hooked up to an rs nor latch so if the first latch is tripped but not the second, then the and gate activates, opening the door) as well as a combination lock(multiple rs nor latches each hooked up to the next one's reset so that i has to be done in a certain order), and a cake trap. (cake eaten or broken activates a BUD switch that opens up a floor full of TNT under sand)
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
my builds are only getting better and better, so alowing me in is like an investment!
Application status: 
Not approved


Flandyn's picture

You would to include more in "Desribe Yourself", Like tell us more about your personality :) Also the " Why do you want to join this server" Is to short, You could add how you found the server, and/or What makes you want to apply to just thisone. Good Luck with the next one.

Your Belving Norwegian:

By Flandyn

I also believe that whitelisted servers are a great way to expand your horizons, as you are within a close community instead of just anyone.
My personality is mostly analitical.

By gabenator123