Application 2900

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i want a good redstone server that is reliable
Past Redstone Experience: 
mcaddict server youtube videos cubehamster server so on..
Application status: 
Not approved


Flandyn's picture

Writing the same application 3 times, won't speed up anything. OMG. You from Cubehamsters server! We really don't care, and Past Redstone Experience is very important. This is an professional server which doesn't care of your background. Everyone needs to write an proper application. This one honostly, has a far way to go. Read all the signs in spawn. And when the comment is 3 times longer then the application. It doesn't really show much of an interest on your side ;)

By Flandyn

sorry about spam i have a really bad mouse....
look at my youtube channel minecraftdude179
i did not try to upload this app 3 times sorry
youtube link:

By blaketheplayer1