posted by Jupperware
on Wed, 2012-09-26 01:16

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
To become better with redstone. I can't even pretend to have another reason. I would love to find someone who wants me to teach them what I know and would gladly teach them. but on a server dedicated to redstone I suspect I will spend more time as a student.
Past Redstone Experience:
I've made some obstacle courses, combination lock doors and complicated railway systems. But my main pride right now is my 6-bit binary encoder and decoder. I learned how to make a 2-bit decoder and went a little nuts. it's daunting to create even one more bit because (as I'm sure you know) it doubles in size and I need to start folding in back on itself so the decoder will actually register the inputs. I've made a theoretical clock. it functions but up until today I couldn't figure how to wire it into a piston display. So that's my current project, and I would love to build it on a server so it can just run all the time (though I'm sure you have plenty of clocks around the place)
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I play on another server and serve as a bit of an admin position. I don't say that to promote myself as some kind of candidate, in fact I don't want to be admin, I want to be able to mind my own business and build stuff rather than go fix people's problems. I mention it only to provide some evidence that I am responsible and trustworthy.
Application status:
Good application. :) I think
Good application. :) I think you will have a good time here. We are not that into CNB Minecrafts stuff though... atleast the mods/seniors/Builders. Because we are focusing a lot on Logic and games. The admin position is basically impossible to get withut playing here for 6+ months. Enjoy your stay here! :D
Your Beloving Norwegian: