posted by HammyGrammy
on Wed, 2012-09-26 22:29
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Your server was by far the most professional one I checked out, so it seemed like a natural choice. Also, I like the idea of a central hub of red-stoning knowledge that is accessible to a community (i.e. the players) to draw on and improve.
Past Redstone Experience:
In survival I'm a farmer, so much of my redstone is driven by utilitarian interest (full auto melon farms, semi auto wheat farms). Recently I have been experimenting with moving sand and making doors and pillars (culminating in a toggle-able sand castle). I also experimented with redstone based mini games for a while.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Looking forward to hearing back!
Application status:
Not approved
You really are on the edge...
You really are on the edge.... But Describe your persoanlity is a bit short. Also we want to hear, skills, abilities, things you are good a. That you can bring down to redstone minecraft.
On the edge
Hmm, so am I allowed to elaborate on those things? Or does that violate the multiple applications rules?