Application 2972

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I have found this server, as I was searching Google for a good redstone server. My favorite was building in the single player, as I had infinite space to build as big as I wanted. The problem was that nobody could see the things I had done. As I have said above, I like to show things off. However, I do still have lots to learn, and so seeing other creations and learning from others can benefit me. There's certainly things I have never seen before out there, that I plan on knowing. Finally, I have free time here and there, and I can fill it playing on a server, talking with others about this "redstone" thing I like. Even as a visitor on the server, its sounds like a lot of people are creating cool things. I would certainly like to be on this server, as the plot size is unmatched. Great to create with.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have built a player piano, that works off playing information pre-made using levers. It's like a song player, and you can change the song on it at any time. It turns on and off, and doesn't run at all while it's off. It is made by a piston machine finding the combination of redstone fed into it, and playing a note block based on that combo. Now, this happens several times during the song. The worst part was to get the timing correct, but when it was, it worked well. I have built a memory storage device, that I had intended on using in a game. My ADHD made me skip to other projects rather than making that game, but the 64 bit memory system was engineered to be as small, efficient, and as easy to use as possible. Was a bit laggy though. I don't have links to anything, as the world is now long gone.
Application status: 


goodby39's picture

People who have adhd don't announce it, ever. Nice app though :P

By goodby39

Lol. That's more of a joke than anything. I wouldn't be into school if I couldn't focus.

By Kaynex