posted by Aerial
on Wed, 2012-10-03 21:00
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I have always been interested in redstone and want to learn more.
Past Redstone Experience:
-Redstone clock: Uses redstone memory to tell ingame time
-Piston door: A sandstone secret door using pistons
-Infinite circut: Two variations of redstone circuts that never stop
-Dunk tank: The player goes in a tank and stands on an extended piston. Another player has to shoot a pressure pad with an arrow to dunk the player
-Alarm system: Note block alarm system
-Potion lab: Dispenser coordinated lab that gives potion recepies and ingredients
-Multiple roller coasters
-Shower: A working piston shower with a piston door
-Zelda secret sound with note blocks: The Zelda secret treasure sound made of note blocks
-A custom music number: A short little song I made up with note blocks
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I am eager to join and hope you accept me, though I apologize for no links. It is hard to get the links out of the images and it would be easier if I could upload them. Apologies.
Application status:
Not approved
Sounds good
I spoke with him on the server about why he wants to join, and he elaborated more, so... yeah
All the questions are
All the questions are answered well, how ever the Why do you want to join server: We really would like to hear more about how you found us. What do you expect to learn, teach others. Do you have anything about your first impression to say? etc. And I would love a bit more on your personality (Ps. Don't mention your age twice, so many people does it) I hope you are eager enough to try again :) Btw. please start a new application, and copy paste from this application.
Your Beloving Norwegian: