posted by Perlborg
on Sat, 2012-10-06 08:58
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I want to join this amazing server because i want to wide my knowledge for redstone. I have been searching for a server earlier on planetminecraft but didn't found any nice ones. Now, when i search for the 2 simple words "Redstone Server" i found you, on the first side.. I have been flying around and checked out some stuffs, i want to keep doing it. I´m really impressed of some of the creations! I want to know more about how some stuffs are working, why they are working like that and things like that to gather some experience/knowledge how to make one of my own computer for an example.
Past Redstone Experience:
I have build some doors, melon farms, endermanfarm, revolving lighthouses and stuff like that. No really hardcore stuffs but as i wrote in the last question, i want to wide my knowledge so i can starting building those hardcore machines. Some stuff i made is tutorial made, but i don't like to follow tutorials to 100%, it don't feels like it is my own machine when i do it so i´m always trying to improve the machine or what it know will be to exactly how i want it to be. My favorite machine i built is my sand generator that i build the "Ground" by a tutorial, i have improved it so i can use it like a flint farm and I've made it wider (more efficiency) than the one in the video.
I have gathering much of my knowledge by watching GenerikB´s "Redstone Academy" shows.
Iam posting some pics of my revolving lighthouse design, Sandfarm, and a piston door i made quick connected to a T-FlipFlop switch.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Iam from Sweden and i wasn't the best kid on the english lessons ;) So sometimes my english grammar could be pretty bad, but you should understand what i write :)
Application status:
I can't do something :P I think you used wrong command.. Cant do or write anything.. Trying to log in and out to get your attention xD