posted by silentpeak12
on Sat, 2012-10-13 14:04
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
i would like to join this sever in a effort to learn more about redstone to make my own creations and share what i do know with others and i find it boring to play single player and i find that servers such as this one are less likely to have people such as griefers, as soon as i joined the sever i was instantly welcomed and all over creative severs i tried i was almost instantly pressed to do one thing or another, the two main reasons is the type of people on your sever are the type to easily get along with and i get the feeling that if i have a problem someone will be willing to try and help.
Past Redstone Experience:
I have had some redstone experience in the past although nothing advanced like a 5x5 seamless dorr or stuff like that, i do have some knowledge of gates but may need help in the future, as for past creations i have mad a retractable bridge to be covered by lava, a self repairing house and some experience with 2x2 trap doors
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
i would like to ask that just because of my mental problem you don't look down on me as intellectually inferior, and although my redstone experience is somewhat lacking that i could be aloud to lean from the people of the sever, also my spelling isn't all that good so some of my text in the sever if im accepted may be a jumble of letters, thank you for reading my application. (gotta love spell check)
Application status:
i do not believe that i can create alot of the things on the sever without some major work being done on my redstone ability's so if this is a problem please notify me and ill see if i can get some of my friends to help me with them or try watching tutorials (gotta start somewhere)