posted by TruTacoz
on Sun, 2012-10-14 04:16
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I want to join this server because of that one thing that everybody that goes on this server loves, redstone. I have a deep interest in redstone, and I think that being able to join this server will expand my knowledge with redstone. I will also try to contribute to the server's creations. I build a lot of redstone stuff before in single player, and I would like be able to show off and get some feedback. :)
Past Redstone Experience:
I have build a number of things, ranging from simple contraptions like piston doors, to full out Computers and Calculators. I am currently working on an 8-Bit Computer in SP. (ALU, GPU, RAM, ROM, etc.) I also know a good amount of stuff about how binary works, and how logic operations work. I make stuff like automatic farms from time to time too. I have been making redstone stuff for about a year and a half now.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
For the pictues and stuff, I only have 1 creation so far on my laptop now. All my previous stuff was on my old laptop which is now broken. About the Pic: The RAM/ALU are to the left. Various components to the right.
Application status:
Tolling Comment.
Don't take that the wrong way, it's mostly just with my irl friends. I don't usually make people mad online. haha.