Application 3098

jusitnwzig's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join this server because I want to expand my knowledge of redstone. I have done a lot of smaller, simpler builds, but definitely not a computer! I am excited to learn more, and think it would be a great opportunity to learn from other people and share my ideas with others. I have been looking for a redstone server for a long time, and didn't like RDF's system and builds, so I came across this server. It is just what I wanted, and think I will be happy with it! I want to become a redstone genius, just like some of you on this server!
Past Redstone Experience: 
Like I said in the 1st part, I haven't made a huge redstone build before, but I have made some pretty clever and small projects, including, but not limited to, a minecart-powered piston dodge machine, a piston monorail, and a piston clock using piston data arrays. The piston game used minecarts released in looping tracks, triggering a row of piston to fire, looking like they were coming towards you. You had to dodge the pistons, otherwise being pushed into a tripwire, subtracting a point from your score. The piston monorail was simple but cool, and the pistons grabbed one another and moved themselves. Finally, the clock used simple data memory arrays to display IGT. *note I have attached my very bad website as a picture-wasn't sure how else to do so. Just go to the pics. page to see some of the piston dodge. Sorry I did not save the clock as it was in 1.2.5.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Well, I like to try and test things a LOT! this makes it easier for me to get the actual work done right the first time. Other then that, I think that is it!
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

Good example on an application ;) And you are a excelent candidate to show that age isn't a problem on this server ;)

By Flandyn
jusitnwzig's picture

Thanks, I'm flattered! Hoping to get on soon!

By jusitnwzig