Application 3140

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would like to join this server to improve my work in redstoneing. I think that if you are a good redstoner in minecraft it makes the game alot better, and makes your bases cooler with all these inventions around, Like EthosLab. Also a new friend would be nice, someone i can laugh with, build with, and play with. I enjoy Server way more then single player and think they are much more fun. Also this server has 0 lag and that is a big up to it.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Created a 5x5 redstone door like the link in the links section, i also created a 9 digit self resetting pad lock using repeaters. I have a redstone world in my single player that i goof around on alot of the time coming up with new doors, Scrolling Signs, T-flip flops, timers, Parkours, and custom maps, and sometimes ponder into smaller things like a 100x100 arrow machine gun, that crashes my minecraft.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I have one dog in my house and she is my best friend her name is lacey and for halloween she is a minecraft dog (she has a costume). i found that pretty cool. Also my favourite tv shows are mythbusters and how its made.
Application status: 


goodby39's picture

It's annoying how I can't rank from where I'm sitting, but ur in.
Until I can, or another mod takes care of, it will be left a review pending (2 hours at most)

By goodby39
Flandyn's picture

Haha :P Get Console ;)

By Flandyn
goodby39's picture

Console application for iphone is not supported on my iphone

By goodby39