So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night.
We mods have decided that a clean up in the learners area is necessery! We will start cleaning it next week. If you got any projects you would like to store. Tell a mod. The cleaning has not got any speciel times, but it would be on friday, satureday or sunday. If you havn't notified the mods in this week, then it would be most likly wiped away, so be careful! As always Flandyn will be active as much as he can. And you will probably see some other mods aswell. I hope this is good news for most of you. Remember that we are not saving very small and useless things... Good Luck!
Your Belvoving Norwegian:
The first ne was so
The first line was so misleading to me. My heart just skipped a beat b/c I thought I was leaving lol.
Also why did u capitalize the last goodby39 XD
I though you were? xD Jk :)
I though you were? xD Jk :) Fixed the problem now ;)
Wow i can't believe i just
Wow i can't believe i just said goodby39 instead of goodby
Don't say goodby say cya later to both the learners plots and erm... Goodby39 XD
Don't say goodby39 to me XD
Don't say goodby39 to me XD