Application 3177

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
When I first started playing minecraft, I knew barely anything about redstone. I could open doors with it, but that was about it. I then started finding videos on youtube of AMAZING creations. These creations inspired me to learn how to make complex redstone machines. I watched tutorials and soon enough, I could do some neat stuff with redstone. When I first heard about this server, I thought it would be "one of those" servers where the admins saw themselves as much bigger than anyone, and didn't respect anyone. I have been playing on the server for about a week, just wondering around looking at other's creations. In that time I have come to the conclusion that this isn't "one of those" servers. All the moderators and members are nice to eachother, and respect eachother. I feel like this would be a great place for me to learn more about redstone, and work with a community at the same time.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have done a lot of redstone work on various servers, but I cannot do too much as they gave no WE permissions. About all of my redstone creations have been on singleplayer maps. I have made many small mini-games such as pong, basketball, and snake. My other projects include a word processor (worked with _Nitrogen_) and a picture drawer with saving and deleting options. My current project is Space Invaders which seems to be quite easy so far. I know all of the logic gates and can make adders, decoders, encoders, and counters. I probably know more, but I do not know the names for everything.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I speak fluent English, as I was born and still live in the U.S. I also speak alright Spanish, not fluent though. -- Also, these pictures are what I could find from my external hard drive. I lost all my worlds when I got my new computer; they corrupted somehow.
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

Will be accepted after a sending a public apologize. In the forums for stealing an other servers pictures. This Moderator can find any kind of stealing.

By Flandyn
Flandyn's picture

All good for now, remember that a plagiarism is easy to find, with our system ;)

By Flandyn