Application 3239

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to dramaticaly improve in redstone engineering and mechanics and my best friend reccomended this server for me. i spent a few hours reading comments about the server and so far i believe i can call this place home. i dont expect to be trusted right away, but i do expect to make friends and learn. maby even teach alittle.
Past Redstone Experience: 
i have made elevators in xbox and pc versions i excell at all things 'train-station' i have come up with my own design of a 28/34/64/128 minecart storage for a train station (not for a banking system) i constantly take things apart and rebuild them to improve their timing and looks. i love redstone its my passion. i also have made a few RAMs and ingame/realtime clocks in both xbox (but it is soo hard on the server because of the redstone tape like to LAG on xbox) and pc. i was 3 other servers' redstone engineers. two are no longer funded so they shut down and the last one is under construction becasue of the 1.4.2 patch. im bored and singleplayer is pointless when you want to be inspired and learn. i have no screenshots because i just dont take any.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i have skype and actively chat with others on servers and want to add this server to my contacs even if i dont get accepted. i feel i can still learn.
Application status: 


sorry i didnt realize the many errors i have on my app. please overlook my terrible grammer. thank you.

By Dr.redst0ne
Flandyn's picture

This is a very good application tho, I would like you to comment here about your personality, it's good that you have a lot of it. But write complete sentences, and try to relate everything to redstone/minecraft. ;)

By Flandyn

My personality can not easily be explained, but i will try my best. Im active and creative i never give up on anythingthing I do, even when I know somthing wont work ill redo everything. Some times i mess up when making my GPU by having it only one block too close to another logic gate, and i dont get mad, but i do sigh when i delete it. Im funny and like to add stall buttons to my friends RAM and mess with him. He ALWAYS finds it (because i make it obvious). Im random and enjoy having conversations with friends over minecraft when im going through issues at school. (Minecraft is my escape from my problems in the real world [like my friend telling me things my Ex is doing]) If redstone is wrong then i NEVER want to be right! redstone is my passion and i entend on living up to my name. thank you.

By Dr.redst0ne

"anythingthing" this error didnt apear on my screen so i typed it twice and didnt notice it. im sorry for this.

By Dr.redst0ne

I've seen some of this guys work, he is amazing. Approve him now. DO IT.