posted by zroxix
on Sun, 2012-11-11 09:09
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Because I've always wanted to play online on minecraft, but I haven't gotten many oppurtunities to do this. I'm social via internet and minecraft so I think I would fit in here! :)
Past Redstone Experience:
I've got some experience, like I know the basics and some more, in the few servers I've been in, I've been the redstone master... hehe..
I want more experience with redstone, which is why I would love to join this community and help and learn.
I know the basics of like.. the properties of glowstone etc.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Not really.
Application status:
Not approved
Denied, because...
You got a long answer on your personality, but you should focus to write personality instead of everything else. Personality is about abilities and skills, we would love if you compared it with redstone. And why did you start with your reason why you wanted to join already in personality? It doesn't have anything with personalty to do :P And we want 3 full lines per question. 1,5 or 2,2 simply isn't enough. Thank you for applying though and good luck!