Application 3270

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
It would be a fun opportunity to mingle with the people that know so much about what I love It would also provide a good learning opportunity for me.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I've always considered myself pretty good at Redstone, but now that I see some of the things on the server I'm just kind of flabbergasted. I hope to learn more here. My "best" Redstone creation is probably a game I made. Probably only took me 2-3 hours at most, but it took a lot of thinking and was a big earning experience for me, Redstone-wise. It basically was a 3x3 Lamp screen, and wherever you stepped it showed on the screen. Then Player-2 could roughly track your movements, and try to fire arrows at you with a push of the button, though they have to jump back and forth between blocks to get to the buttons. If they fall, you win. If you die, they win. The creation I'm most proud of, though, is a "Player Detector". It's what really got me into Redstone. Basically, A Pressure Plate would trigger a dispenser, which would shoot a block and hit a pane of glass, and fall onto the pressure plate again. If the block disappeared, it would send a pulse to the dispenser again and shoot another block. I could hide this behind a Painting, (I know, so original) and whenever a person walked by the painting, they would pick up the block, triggering the dispenser. Then you could hook up whatever to the pulse, so that if triggered it would shoot them or something. It wasn't much,but it took around an hour and a half of trial & error.
Application status: 
Not approved


Flandyn's picture

You would have to write way more and better on personality aswell as why you want to join. Your Past Redstone experience is very good, but maybe a name on the game? If you would consider writing a new one. Please just copy your Past Redstone Experience into the new application ;) Best of luck!

By Flandyn

Thanks for your feedback :)
I went ahead and made a new App.

By Mr_Monocle