Application 3295

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join this server because I want to be around people that have an interest in redstone, unlike my friend, even though he helped me learn how to use the C input/output with an adder. I have seen some amazing things on this server, and one day I wish I could have the chance for some of the creators to show me how they work. I would also like to make a pretty powerful redstone computer, that is programmable. (with some help). I also like to make huge memory cells out of T-flip flops. I also want to know how Blackflan works... and how flan knows so much about this...
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have made order sensitive combo locks, 3 digits. I have tried to make some other things too. I have an entire flat world full of different logic gates, hooked together, and stuff like that to see what happens. I have finally learned how an adder works, which I was baffled by before. And there is my CPU. (Still working on it, although almost finished!!!) there is 8 buttons, 1 for each bit, with a T-flip-flop behind that that has no redstone dust, so they can be positioned side by side. Then the T-flip-flops output is connected to a bus, which connects to another memory cell. That is the main memory cell #1. above that is another bus that is connected to that memory cell that will be connected to an assortment of adders, but I havent got to that point yet. And on the memory cell 1 output, that is connected to another bus that goes back to the internal memory cell. (which has a system reset button) You would think that would make a clock, but i have made some redstone torches under that that are toggleable, to let the current through and preventing it to continue around. So ya, that is my best work so far. But when i look at the things on this server, it blows that out of the water, doesnt it? My goal is to make a 128 bit computer. I think that would be Extremely hard to build, but i would try. I also want to show people my redstone creations instead of opening a LAN at school for my friends to see and then a griefer get on and destroy it.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I would like someone to teach me some things about logic gates. and stuff i think is hard, ya know? I also want to know who owns this server and how they know so much about redstone.
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

This is good application, but how you are describing your ALU/CPU here, it isn't more then just RAM for now...

By Flandyn