Application 3297

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
The reason I would like to join this server is because, I have always been interested in redstone contraptions and it would make it even better if I were surrounded by other people who take my exact interest. If I could join this server I would also try and get some other people I know onto the server just to make it better for the server alone.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My past redstone experience has been very complicated, When I started off(December)it was very hard. The only thing I knew was how to attach redstone dust to a redstone torch. But, throughout the year I have been very successful and am proud of myself. Some of the things I've made are also really cool and might acctually attract peoples interest. Like my revolving lighthouse, my traps, my data flip flop (only part of computer I've made)and also advanced redstone locks(ten pin codes).
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

Belivet or not, but this application was on the edge. Your english is fine and I can barly find any spelling errors. Also you are writing with a decent size. How ever, your "Describe your personality:" could have been more accurate answered. Information like age, what the server can do for you, what you would love by being on the server, isn't correct to write here. You wrote your age twice. And the information about the server should all be in: "Why do you want to join this server?: "

And your "Past Redstone Experience:" Should maybe tell a litle bit on how you learned these things, what they do. Is there anything on the wiki you know from the past. Any good YouTubers you are watching etc. I am approving this application, but I wish you could think of this review as an experience until next time you will apply for something. Last thing, have fun ;)

Your Beloving Norwegian:

By Flandyn