posted by kutay25
on Wed, 2012-11-14 19:11
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I see a lot of players want to player on this server. And Redstone is amazing and funny!... And generally I want to play at good server. I want to extend my Redstone knowledge. I'm want to play with fun! I'm join the server sometimes, and chatting with anyone, analyze systems... I want to learn advanced redstone at here!... I want play with good players...
Past Redstone Experience:
I'm need some experince and lesson on redstone, but I'm have a lots of ideas, my design timer is a sample. I'm newbie on ALU,CPU,GPU,BIT, Binary, Counter, Decoder, Encoder, and more. I just know Gates, Advanced Logic (%75-%80),Starting İnformation, And lots of creativity and more...
I generally make small systems because i dont have a good knowledge at Redstone. If i accept myself i believe i can do better of all!
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I send other applications. And i learn my mistakes... maybe this is the best...
And thanks for reading...
Application status:
Hard decision
Your application is quite on the edge. Your scoring pretty high on content. Even if you havn't the best english. You are pretty simple to understand which is main reason with application. So I'll hope you enjoy the server. Please if you want, then people would gladly correct you ;) Good luck!
Flandyn, you were even harder
Flandyn, you were even harder to understand there. :/