Kewlbromans Rank

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Kewlbromans Rank

During the griefer qo was on the server on Wednesday, We all were getting really mad and upset that our builds were getting demolished. I, personally used foul language, and lots of caps. Because of that mistake I have been ranked to "Probatio" and have been stripped of my permissions. Another reason I have been ranked down to Probatio, is because I have made untoggable clocks. I had totally forgotten about that rule and didn't know that I would be ranked down. I just want to tell you all that I apologize and that I am sincerely sorry.


- Kewlbroman

Flandyn's picture

Hei. When I was putting you on the rank Probation, it wasn't only because of that hours... You've been using CAP's regulary the last half week. Including that you made a clock which is illegal aswell. You would have recived your learner rank when you are re-joining the server. Good Luck.

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