Application 3139

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I typed in the words "Redstone server" and ive found this server, i logged in this server and ive found an awesome huge community of awesome redstoners such as Flandyn who showed me that with redstone, the sky is the limit. I also want to get better at redstone and share my projects in public. Another reason is that i like watching other's projects and figure out how they are working by my own, which also helps me to understand more about redstone. Only in this server i can do all of that, since i didnt see a server that gives everybody a creative gamemode and a huge field to build with redstone, and ive never seen such a huge community of redstoners.
Past Redstone Experience: 
As i already said, im building projects from redstone, for example a connect 4 game, or tic tac toe. i also have a channel in youtube (the link for it can be found at "links"). I know all the basic gates such as NOR gate, NOT gate, XNOR gate and more. I know how to build some counters, and i know how to make circuits such as Flip flop gate, and bud switch. moreover, ive invented some techniks by my own that may be excist already, but when ive built them ive never knew about them.
Application status: 


Oops, didnt capitalized I's :O

By DoomOfYou123