Application 3449

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I really want to join this server because I literally dream of being a part of a nice, friendly, intelligent community of redstoning individuals or teams. I also want to join because I am eager to be taught about redstoning tricks, circuits, and tidiness and in the future, teach. It is so amazing seeing all of the redstone creations and I can't wait to be apart of the community to contribute and help fellow redstoners and contribute to the server financially. I want to join this server because i believe it is unique, there is no other server which has the intelligence, friendliness, community and acceptance is this one. I have been looking for a true home for myself and i reckon this is it, i am here so i can learn and teach and just really be a part of a Minecraft family.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My redstoning project are completely based on things I can make for i copy from real life. I like to make 7-segment displays and put them into sign boards like when i go in my room my name pops up and asks how i am. I like to experiment and muck around with the redstonoing combinations and physics to see if something works better than other things. I like to make "hidden" or secret piston doors and security systems. I like to keep updating my redstone museum in single player which has all the logic gates i need to know. Im currently working on a piston pixel display which I'm slightly copying from futebol kid in the server.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Im not going to stop applying until i get accepted, i will not give up because i believe i belong in that community and servers XD. Im really sorry that i can't provide pictures or links, i have the screenshots on my desktop but i need a forum or something to post on.
Application status: 


hes not my personal friend, but i was on the server when he first got on. he was really siked up and wanted to learn every he could. he also seems like he would be great help if taught what to do. ill admit he doesn't have that much red stone computer knowledge but anyone can learn. i know i'm not a mod but i think he would be good on the sever.

By futebolkid99