Application 3457

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I get really lonely in singleplayer (I spend most of my time on servers). I want to be able to play with people because it's generally more fun to play with people and be able to chat with them. Second, I want to be able to share my ideas with people, help out newbies, and learn from other people. Lastly, I want to be able to build with people, because I want to be able to combine (is "combine" how you spell it? whatever...) my ideas with other people's ideas and build with them.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I've been doing redstone specifically for about 4 or 5 months, somewhere around there. Anyway, I found out that I'm pretty good at it. My dad works as a computer scientist, and he sometimes helps me out with creations. I probably learn best when I look at other people's things and figure out how each part works. My best creation is probably my recent rock, paper, scissors game. In version 2, I plan to make an option where how can play against a computer (not really, just a random number generator), and I'll make it say "Play against CPU" to make it look better (_:^D). In second is probably my mesh pitfall. Sorry, I don't have a download link for it, but I do for rock, paper, scissors.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Yeah, I'm hoping to take an electrical engineering class if I get the chance when I'm older. Also, I'm pretty good at math. I like algebra a bit.
Application status: 


:) nice app. maybe a little shorter but still good hey can you do me a favor and see my app. and tell me what you think? If so my IGN is:creepycrawler77 and my app. will be up a day after i post this comment

By creepy77
goodby39's picture

An application is never too long as long as it is detailed

By goodby39

well not long just the reader gets a liitle board no offense :) can u check out my app it will be up by tuesday thx.

By creepy77