posted by boingzack
on Tue, 2012-12-11 14:21
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I want to join this server, because I want to improve my redstone skills and if needed (I don't think that this will happen because I'm pretty nooby in redstoning) I will definitely share my knowledge about anything. A friend of me (iHacker3000) told me of this server, so I thought I'd come and take a look at it to improve my redstone skills.
Past Redstone Experience:
I know pretty much all the basics of redstoning and I can build gates likes OR, NOR, XOR, AND, NAND and i can build a simple memory cell. I know that my skills in redstoning are very basic a at a low level, but that is the reason I want to join a redstone server and learn from the experts, because when it gets harder with redstoning Youtube tutorials just don't do it anymore for me.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Actually there is nothing more to mention exept that I'm a nice person that want's to learn redstoning.
Application status:
Not approved
This is my application to join this server
I am sorry that I have not that much knowledge about redstone.
Please give me a chance
The reason I want to play on this server is to get myself some knowledge about redstoning so I can someday build awesome stuff like you can build so please let me learn redstoning.
Kind regards boingzack