
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would like to join the redstone server so I can learn about complex creations and how to make massive screens. I am also excited about building with the other minecraftians and working together to get our job done. I am also curious about how a person has such an amazing mind to be able to create such incredible machines. I would also like to teach other people on the server how to do different techniques, like a basic one,turning off redstone torches and using pistons to shut off the power line.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I usually build redstone creations on single player but I suppose it doesn't matter what it is. My most recent creation was an automated rain machine. Other redstone creations I have made were a stairlock system and a wave genarator. Also a basic creation is the 3x3 door. I don't know anything about building TV's and computors in minecraft but I would love to learn how. On a scale from 1 to 10 when it comes to redstone I would rate myself as a 5.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
All I truly want to say is that I am determined to be on this server and will do whatever it takes to join. I hope you guys understand what I am feeling and will come to a conclusion on my acceptence. I will never stop trying. and please accept this application and excuse me for the other application i was on a hurry when i wrote it


Flandyn's picture

This player is now permant banned due plagiarism!

By Flandyn

can u forgive me plz :(

By jadali17

i will try my best to redeem myself
plz plz i am begging u

By jadali17

i know what i did was wrong but atleast temp ban me for 1 month plz plz plz

By jadali17
Flandyn's picture

Here is an quotes what it says: "Do not copy/paste from other applications. This will result a permanent ban."

This means permanent ban, I would say that this server can pretty much handle itself without people that doesn't show interests enough to make an own application. I am sorry that I could help you any further.

By Flandyn

temp ban me for a year just don't permanent ban me

By jadali17