Application 3538

cyberloic's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join this serveur because I was looking for a server specializing in redstone but there was nothing french server except for Labocraft but he is down. That's why i've chosen your server !
Past Redstone Experience: 
Well, I know all the logics gates and I think all the properties of the redstone (but I can always learn others !) And I can add that I have a youtube chanel :
Application status: 
Not approved


Flandyn's picture

* Need to write 3 full lines per question.
* Personaltiy means skills, abilities, what you can do and then relate it to redstone.
* Personality doesn't mean Nationality, languages, or what you are "fond" in.
* Don't mention server names, ip's or anything else.
* Youtubechannels/pictures goes into the link section.

However thank you for applying, and we would love to see you consider to re-apply.

By Flandyn