Application 3627

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Well to to honest I bought minecraft during the 1.1 release. I played EXTREMELY heavily up until 1.3.2 jumping around fro regular to tekkit to various modded versions. However, through all of that I've remained interested in re stone. I always liked the intellectual challenge behind that and thought it was neat what you could do with it. With the new 1.5 redstone update arriving soon and all the new cool features Mojang added in 1.4 I figured I would get back into Minecraft a little bit, and what better way than on a redstone server where I can let my creativity run free and share it with others.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My past redstone projects have always been the practical applications of redstone because I was building them on a server for the town I was mayor of. For my town I built a redstone lighthouse, street lighting system, toggle-able lights in all the community buildings all tied to one the original designs for a day night censor. The ones where grass growing and dying triggered a bud switch that toggled the signal. Also, I've made numerous types of piston doors. From basic 2*2 doors to 3*3 doors to porticulus's to a 3*3 vault door. In addition to all of that I'm very familiar with the functions of AND, OR, NOR, etc. gates because of my background knowledge of java programming. I also know how to use the new command blocks to make such things as elevators, protected areas, teleporters, and giving players items.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Unfortunately I cannot get screenshots of most of my work because the server it was on shut down.
Application status: 


For some reason the link to some of my work was not submitted with my post. Here it is. I also neglected in my Additional Information section to mention that I also know C++, HTML, and a little VB and CSS.

By TheDerpyPotato