Application 3641

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would like to join mainly so I can show other people my creations and help other people with theirs. I have been looking for a popular redstone server to join for many reasons. 1: I'm lonely when I work with out other people chatting or helping me. 2: I make contraptions or cool creations, but I feel that they will never be known. I want people to see my projects and appreciate them and their design. And 3: I like to look at other people's creations, and see how things can become less complex and more compact in their design. And to use their genius in my own creations. With their agreement of course.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have not made many contraptions. Not counting the ones that I destroyed because I didn't think they were working, or were good enough to pass. I have though made a 0-9 second clock. That if wanted could be made into a real clock that would tell time to the second. It's complex and quite compact for a clock. And the principles of its work can be used for a TV as well.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
No extra info.
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

Your approved anyways, but just mentioning that your image doesn't work.

By Flandyn

Thank you so much. I'm sort of a noob. I'm not that sure how to post the picture ID.

By TTTristan
Flandyn's picture

If you want to share a image that you can find on your PC. You would first need to upload it somewhere. There are many good websites for doing this. Some of them are made mainly for minecraft, som are not. It's just to search image upload in google.

By Flandyn