Application 3648

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Well there is no such redstone french community and it sounds really interesting. For me redstone its the best of minecraft and I would like to improve myself, as much as share my work and discuss with people who love the same thing.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My best/last redstone creation is something i will have difficulty to name, its something like a vertical triple-piston bud-switch hidden entrance from the floor. I will try to explain more ^^ : Its a triple piston extender who goes up and down by placing redstone torch/dust on the last block. So you can use it as an secret entrance from a flat floor, it's undetectable ( no walls around ), pretty compact, and i think maybe unique, i would like to share it.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
well i havent any videos beacause i cant, the render is always horrible, and i could make screenshots but I think it doesnt show a lot and I havent so much own unique projects.
Application status: 


Emilgardis's picture

I will promote you as soon as I come home. :)

By Emilgardis
Flandyn's picture

To late... I already did it! Mwhuhaha. Good application :) And one thing, being non native speaker is no problem here what so ever. Even I'm a non native speaker. In fact, english is my 4th language. Anyways carry on and try to enjoy our server :)

By Flandyn