Hello all,
I dont feel the best right now but im makeing this anyway so sorry for grammer or spelling mistakes.
anyways I saw that the learner areas hetting eset soon so thought I would make this topic now saying what you want to keep!
so maby the mods if ok with this will export a creation(s) but it has to be a big build meaning not just a clock or a glitched piston or a password or a door... but usefull then the mod or admin would export it to a scematic file and e-mail it to you!
and thats all you need to fill so heres a example and I want this to be exported so dont skip this mods and admins!
Creation: Gutarhero
-X: -142
-Y: 141
-Z: -3
E-mail: mjc4wilton@gmail.com
Creation: Gutarhero
-X: -142
-Y: 141
-Z: -3
E-mail: Withheld
There are no needs for such a thing. For the first we mods can find your E-mails trough the website, so posting it in the public is uneccessery. Second we got a such a thing between the Learners plot and Spawn. Then when your looking at subject, write Schematic. If you want it for a rank up consideration thenw rite rank up. Don't write the name of the creation. So if you want get a creation to schematic or want us to rank up consider it. Go to spawn and then head for the Learners plot. Look for a big sign and write it like:
Name of the creator.
Subject: (Rank up, schematic, want plot, report grief etc.)
Cordinations: We mods can teleport to cordinations.
Date: Write the date is was written,
Removing this sign, will risk you a ban, if your not the owner of the signs.
Sorry flandyn dident know that the board says that you can export scematics