Application 3867

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
About four years ago i started programming my calculator because i like making things that make life easier. This got me into to programming. Before i even joined minecraft i saw some redstone videos and this made me realize that i wanted to play minecraft so i could do redstone. Your server i believe enables me to do that while surrounded by like minded individuals. i also would like a place that could help me grow in my ability's. I would also like a place where i could build my new projects (currently i am building a 9 button combination lock with multipul pins that is programmable from the key pad that could be used for a multi account bank (also considering having it need the same pin twice to work.)).
Past Redstone Experience: 
Sadly i do not have links for these projects as they are all in singelplayer since i have yet to really start getting into the online community. Anyways i have built every simple gate commonly built. i have also built a toggalable bath shower that only does one at a time so you get to pick. with a display telling you which one it selected. a flushing toilet, several doors (2by 2, 2by2 seamless, 3by3 2by2 seamless with lock and override. i have made several bud switches. a bank using minecarts and several different combo locks.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Not much else just that i am a hard worker and love redstone. I would love to join your community
Application status: 


So i see that my application was was accepted but i still dont have the ability to build any where. Since i could not find the answer any where on the site i thought i should ask. So am i missing something or is there a bit of turn around time after the approval of the application?

By jericho867
Drageon9's picture

Great Application Read the whole thing nothing haves to be changed.

By Drageon9