Application 3900

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Well, I've gone to multiple servers but when I try to use redstone, they say that it is a 'VIP Only Item". So, I google'd Redstone-Enabled Minecraft server. RedstoneServer was the first one on the list. I decided, why not give it a try.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have lots of experience in redstone creations, but I don't know much about things like those big redstone calculators that only opened doors and such. My best redstone creation so far was a self-drumming drum set that well... drums, I guess.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
No, not really.
Application status: 
Not approved


Flandyn's picture

Notice how this is an application form, so writing things like "I guess" shows no assertiveness. We are also recommending all players to write atleast 3 full lines per question. Lines and sentences are not the same, just saying. Btw. tell more about your own personality. You're generous, that's good to hear, that also means that you are british. But write more about how you act around other people. Are you nice, voilent, easy-raging, hard-working, fast-learning, self-critizing etc. Also tell how you can make the server better in "Why you want to join the server?". At last but not least, in your "Past Redstone Experience". You don't need to only write your best creation. Write everything you know. Describe something, just mention the easiest things etc. Thank you for applying and I hope you consider re-applying.

By Flandyn