posted by asba123
on Wed, 2013-02-27 06:26
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I Want to join this server because i want to learn to make new machines like Rock Scissors paper and i want to LEARN to learn and i want a server then i can use my brain to make machines and get others to say <''''WOW,That was cool!''''> Yes..
Past Redstone Experience:
First i make CANONS! and then i know Oh i have begin with redstone so i use 5 hours per day with redstone making i maked a giant computer,a plane,a burj dubai with light in from the ground up,i helped with a server,IMac,Mac Book,Tv,Working xbox with lights, that was all!
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Hmmm... Me and my friend worked on the computer in 3 years It was hard but That was all i cant record sorry for that with the links thing:( Flandyn i edited it if you see it okey?
Application status:
Not approved
flandyn i edited this was it better now?
Not really.
Try to read the entire review. I made one on norwegian aswell. And you still got a lot of english failures. Like "i want to LEARN to learn", "Begined", "Begin", You're capsing some words, but it's often the wrong one. like you need to capitilize i's. Just read the entire review please.
En liten ting som jeg vil ta på norsk... Du skriver:" Me and my friend" På norsk, ville du skrevet: "Meg og min venn" eller "Min venn og jeg"? Du gjør grammatikken så vanskelig. Det som er riktig er: "My friend and I".