Application 3944

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Because I build redstone things the most time in Singleplayer, so it is a new experience for me to play with other redstone builders. And I think I can learn more about redstone; but I can teach them too, but only in binary and logical things. And after the "redstone lessons" I want to build with you a big project.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I built only in Singleplayer, but I made a lottery for a server. So I don't have much experience in redstone, but you can teach me and then I think I will be a good redstone builder.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I hope I have a lot of fun with you and I like to build big redstone projects with you. And if you want to know more about me, just ask me I will answer it.
Application status: 
Not approved


Flandyn's picture

Spricht Englisch ist keine problemen. Aber du muss es verstehen. Wir empfehelen alles zu drei full Zeilen pro frage geschreiben. Es ist sehr wichtich.

By Flandyn

I understand english very well, but what could I write about me.

By WindtJJ
Flandyn's picture

You can do /spawn or /rs to go to spawn. Then walk to second floor, there's a bunch of good hint and tips there. Btw. Don't write that you're a little guy from germany. I know a few young people from Germany that speaks english perfect. And I know some old germans that can't say one word. So age/size has nothing to do with english skills. Except that you would have to be older then 10 years old to have the ability of speaking english, unless it's your first language.

By Flandyn