Application 4091

CoolGwordz's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Cause i love redstone :D 50% of what i know in minecraft is redstones >:)
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know pretty much 50% of what u need to know with redstones :D but i still dont know how to work out with comparators, but i know how to use most of the stuff in redstoning
Past Redstone Experience: 
I created a compat 9 seconds countdown timer with just using about 16x25 space :3 thats what i made so far.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Thank you for this server :D now i can make redstone contraptions with fellow redstoners :3
Application status: 
Not approved


CoolGwordz's picture

sorry but, my application was not 3 ines per question :( im really sorry, i wanna re-apply but i dont know if it would be counted as doubling my application form, please reply ASAP

By CoolGwordz
Flandyn's picture

You are right, you need to write a new application, and you are allowed to copy from your own applications. Anyways, it's not posetive to only know things about redstone in minecraft. In many ways, other game mechanic can be useful in redstone creations .

By Flandyn