posted by LucasTheCreeper
on Wed, 2013-05-01 22:33

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I've always loved the amazingly complicated mechanics of redstone, since when i got my first tutorial from my minecraft-playing friend. I'd love to be able to bring my skills to the next level, to be able to even compare myself to the likes of SethBling and ACtennisAC. I would love to be tought by one of this server's pros.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Check out my videos at <Advertising> on YouTube
Past Redstone Experience:
Check out my videos at <Advertising> on YouTube
Application status:
Not approved
Let me get a few thing stright.
1. If you want to be like Sethbling then watch his videos. We're trying to teach people how to make computers, computer components, games like Pong, Copter, Tetris, Connect 4 etc. And calculators. Things that needs real amount of logic and timing precision. ACteenisAC is decent, but his father does everything for him. And they are both only making small creations. Some that is useful, but most of it is useless.
2. You need to write an application to play on this server and become a learner. You can't just show one video, where you show a combinational lock, which doesn't uses proper combinational terms, like being configureable with buttons. So you need to write.
3. I can see that your age is 11, and we really don't care about that. But how people are acting, and how mature they are. You are writing with proper terms of grammar, I belive there's just one spelling mistake in the entire text, which is quite impressive.
Good luck if you're considering re-applying! And I would like you to re-apply with a good application. Remember you need to write as much as you did on "Why are you interested in joining this server?" as for all questions. Thank you for applying!