posted by elbandagji2
on Sun, 2013-05-19 13:43
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
i would like to learn more about redstone, i know most basic things but i dont know about gates or ram things and i wanted to join the server so i could learn more about things ive missed out on. so far o nthe server ive had USMC teaching me certain redstone things so i give him some credit too.
Current Redstone knowledge:
derp, i really just know the basics like redstone next to pist = piston goes up, you know things liek that, i do know some better things like the speed increaser that increases your speed using pistons and a rapid pulsar. gateways and RAM, +batteries are lost to me i never had heard of them until i joined the server as a visitor.
Past Redstone Experience:
BAD, i never used redstone in my past i just recently got into it, i thouht redsotne was just some decoration block not that it was something that power your immagination to a hole new world of creations, like piston doors, traps, even minigames! i really baddly want to learn on this server because im in to this stufff now!
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
USMC is awsome
Application status:
Why do I keep getting put down? Like seriously I wanna know why everyone else gets in but me D:<