Application 4968

lankey01's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I wish to learn all there is to about redstone. I want to know how to make really awesome stuff to impress my friends on the server I play on because as of now they have little to no respect for me.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I legimatly no nothing of redstone. The only thing I know is to make a doorbell at my house that goes ding-dong. That is why I very much would like to haveg building rights on this server and practice.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Again, I have never done anything large except a doorbell (which I am slightly proud of) it uses a redstone repeater and goes on top of my house, not covered in the slightest.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Thanks for reading my application and if you don't pass it please tell me how to improve this application
Application status: 
Not approved


Well if they don't have respect for you, I don't think they are your friends...

By XSawserX
woesh0007's picture

Dear Lankey01,
In your application you write: "I legimatly no nothing of redstone.".
On this server, it's not allowed to make 'simple common creations' like 2x3 piston doors or smaller and tnt cannons. If you're learning redstone from the beginning, this will probably be the creations you start with.
In order to get your application approved, I would like to know more specific what kind of things you would like to learn. If you're starting from the beginning, I would suggest to understand the basics of how redstone works in singleplayer first.
Please feel free to post a new application with your redstone experience in it, what more specific what you would like to learn.


By woesh0007