Application 5712

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
To start off, I love redstone. I was thinking on a server and I realized if I could find a createive server except all the plots had redstone. I googled it, found this, and flew around it for a bit. i loved it.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I'm pretty good at basic circuits and I can sometimes compact things. I have made a few tileable things like tileable furnace item detector and and tileable timers. Good at power blocks and inverted things and other fairly basic things.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Tileable Furnace Item Detector - This machine is used in a smelting room and has a redstone lamp right above the furnace. using some comaparators and inverters leading up to the lamps, so any unsmelted ores, extra smelted ores, or extra fuel can be found by the lamp being on. This is useful in any survival world, as the only hard to get resources are glowstone and quarts, which can be easily found in the nether. Tileable timer - very simple, a redstone block and some inverted torches and a couple of repearers create an easy tileable timer. The timing can be changed by the delays on the repeater. Useful for interesting lamp displays, and pretty much used as an extra sort of gadget.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
nothing to see here..... :D
Application status: 


Oh and yes, I would like to add that I made my own Hidden piston door and my own monostable 3x3 door with no tutorials.

By SwaggerMon

And a compact item destroyer i which you throw a the items onto a certain block, or else it doesn't work.

By SwaggerMon