Application 5836

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Cannot find other players that come close to my skill in redstone. I hope to find others that are better than me to learn from.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I have good comprehension of digital logic, and have applied it many times in redstone circuit design. (And gates to Nor to RS Nor) I can use redstone to make: Piston Doors, Traps, Blinking Lights (with oscillator shut off), t-flipflop devices that us buttons instead of levers, Locked devices (doors and such), Binary counting machines, binary memory circuits, binary to decimal converters, decimal redstone lamp number display faces, binary timer systems that use multiple of the previous to count time or count other actions (such as an archery range that keeps track of your score and displays on a scoreboard, and race tracks), and probably a lot more. Lots of experience with actual redstone wiring, and the techniques necessary for keeping properly isolated signals in as tight of space as possible. Skilled at making redstone devices that do not have exposed redstone circuits. Having a nice clean working system that doesn't have wires hanging out of it always gives one pride.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Before the Redstone lamp existed, I used pistons and glowstone with sand to make a lighting system for a dark room connected to a switch. In my earlier years I used delay timing with repeaters and buttons hooked up to an and gate to control a rsnor latch for a locked door, but since then I learned to use binary memory logic to make a lock system that was completely programmable from the keypad alone. No need to alter any redstone to change a combination lock, since its stored in a binary rs nor latch, I can just change it from the buttons. I made a Redstone Clock Tower that displayed the minecraft time in minutes (20 minutes for a minecraft day). It used an oscillator, a binary counter, and a binary to decimal converter to display the time. There was a control room that allowed me to sec the time through binary input directly into the counter. I made a Parkour redstone obstacle course that tracked your time taken to complete the course. It used newer versions of the same circuits mentioned for the clock tower. The course itself actually had different rooms that you would need to complete tasks to move onto the next room. In order to get a prize at the end, all the tasks had to be completed in order to receive a reward. Another player in the server included my invention as part of the server video: I made a chicken coupe that collects the chicken eggs using hoppers, sorts them out and sends them back into the coupe with a dispenser to make more chickens. There is lava on the sides of the coupe, and when the population swells, they die from the lava, and their items get collected and stored. I made an Item sorting machine that uses hoppers to filter all my stuff to the chests they belong in. I made a Vanilla minecraft shop using redstone and hoppers.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I am mature and friendly.
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

Thank you for your contribution. We're grateful to see so dedicated players. Good luck on the server!

Best regards:

By Flandyn