posted by iPitbull001
on Fri, 2013-08-23 01:32
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I REALLY want to join a proffesional Minecraft redstone server. When i started minecraft the first thing my friend showed me was redstone. I was very interested, because in the past iv made 2 video games (only finished 1) with a program called Gamemaker. I learned the whole language, GML (game maker language) witch was not easy. i do scripting i try java but i wasnt the best i was good with the basics. i learned almost full c# and that just got me into Computer stuff. So then all that got me into Circutry and redstone is circutry. (DLC?) i Am MUCH interested in jOining this server
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know Most Logic gates. i know enough to make my own stuff, i know what everything in the redstone category does, i just like toying around with it but now wanna get sirious
Past Redstone Experience:
Well i made an automatic Melon farm, Where when the melon grows it completes The circut that causes A piston To Breake it, then the melon slices go into Jumpers, that lead into a chest. My favorite thing to do is find things people made and remake them, Then TWEK then and make them better or cooler.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I Solve a rubiks cube in 18 Seconds. I went to the rubiks world championship held in Nevada Las vegas last month. Look it up, see im in it, my name is Alex Bartelme ;)
The first link is basicly what i made but with melons
Sorry i dont have more and that one i dint take thats just igsample i hope you will approve of me to let me prove loyalty and ill accept myself to your teachings, if you will take me. Thank you for your time!
Application status:
A player was copying my creations and so I broke it and he recorded. He also broke into one of my creations with him and so I broke what was in mine and replaced mine. He was telling me to breaks his stuff so he could ban me . I called him some names because I have a bad temper and people acting like that pisses me off so he got me banned. Help would be nice