posted by dullda
on Wed, 2013-10-09 21:19
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am interested to join this server because world edit on sp wont work. Also I love redstone!
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know how to build most logic gates. I also know how to make Adders and sub tractors. One of the largest reasons I want to join this server is because I want to learn more and help with other peoples projects,
Past Redstone Experience:
I have built an addition subtraction calculator it had no clock and was very fast and compact (around 2-5 seconds depending on how many shifts). I have also built a 15X20 redstone display with about 20 bytes of ram (it was very slow though). I have also attempted to build many computers of redstone but not many worked.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I don't have many screen shots of the machines I build but I do have a single youtube video on a random number generator.
Application status:
Until I can verify that this
Until I can verify that this is in fact your video, this application will remain undecided.
This is my video
My youtube username is TheCoolBeanz1999. How else can I prove to you that this is my account? I swear this is my video.
I replied.
I replied to your youtube message.
We get tons of impersonators
We get tons of impersonators here all the time, so any potential "yes" applications always go through a verification when the usernames don't match. Glad to have you join and congrats on learner :P