posted by DarkWizard1026
on Tue, 2013-11-19 22:36

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I really enjoy using redstone but most servers don't allow it. The ones that do are too laggy and don't always allow access to all the redstone items. Your server has just what I want: admins and mods for help and plots or 1.1 minecraft world to build on.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I started using redstone after watching sethbling on YouTube and loved it at once. I watched all his redstone with a mojangster vids and have learned a lot. I also make and try to improve MumboJumbo's designs like the storage silo and seamless piston door. I know how all the redstone items work except for how the comparator outputs a signal from a storage block. I can figure out how any redstone creation works by looking at it.
Past Redstone Experience:
I have only made an Angry Birds type of minigame. It used AntVenom's player death counter to tell when all the birds are killed. Command Blocks give people items and teleport the players. Repeaters count down the 30 seconds till the bird's released. The scoreboard will be used for ranks and money. I'm always striving to make it better.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I want to know off there's world edit for the plots because I want to try to make a computer and also a territory minigame which would require command blocks enabled but if one or both aren't enabled that's ok.
Application status:
More Information
I would love to be around others who have a passion for redstone like me. I also want to be able to show what I know to others who will appreciate it for want it really is.
Your question
We offer worldedit. Please type /trial ingame to learn more about how to achieve it.
Thanks a lot. Some stuff just needs world edit to be done right?