posted by TurtleBot2000
on Sat, 2013-12-21 16:20
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am interested to join this server because all people here is nice and i would like to learn some cool redstone so far i now some things like castle gates with sand, I wanna be good at redstone because its fun and i like to expriment with diffrent redstone stuff, I also wanna try others stuff and learn from them so i can be good as them and be better, Thats why i would like to join this server.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I now some type of redstone things as the sand gate i told about before and i now how redstone travel and the basic of it, i can some redstone things with piston as a 2x2 piston hidden door (a photo will be in the photo link thing, if i can get it there)
Past Redstone Experience:
for some months ago i built a cool piston sand gate and a 2x2 piston door for 1 hour ago, the 2x2 piston door i used timers/repeaters so everything didnt mash up it was pretty easy i just used some redstone thorch and redstone to revert the redstone power, my second creation was the sand gate it was same there i just used some pistons to pull the sand up and down i used some repeaters to power some blocks that power redstone that power pistons and more.....
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
pls i have tried so many times
Application status:
Not approved
why not didnt it get approved