Application 6694

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I Really Like This Server a lot!! Because Most of the Servers Can't Accept The Redstone Lag. and I wanna learn more Redstone things in this Server & I wanna See the People with them Redstone Skills.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I'm Pretty great in Redstone. You Can say - (8.5/10) I can build machines & Stuff like that,
Past Redstone Experience: 
I've learned Redstone by YouTube & then I Started building huge machines & Stuff like that. Then, I've Created a New World in the SinglePlayer & I called it - The_Redstone_Awesome xD & I've done with Automatic Door Closer (Using Command Blocks) To make the Griefers Go away from your house.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Yes. I'm Admin - 2 Servers Co-Owner (No Console) 1 Server Moderator - 1 Server. There is a server Called EndCraft. I've set the Rules There, If You want me to Add Something just tell me skype- peter.sakhnini5 My Real name is Peter Sakhnini Age 17
Application status: 
Not approved


morganminerme's picture

you application shows a strong wanting to learn but then again your redstine knowledge must improve to be accepted

My rating 6/10

Approved - Scraped it


NOTE : Im not admin so I cant promote you, these are my thoughts and may change the descision

By morganminerme
Flandyn's picture

I'm denying this application. It's poorly written, and you're not giving any specific informations on the first question. You would define yourself as a 8,5 of 10? You make machine and stuff? What's stuff, and what's machine? Do you know Binary? Do you know how to make adder, or ALU's? Do you know what a double dabble does. This is all very basic information people usually learn after a month or two on our server. At the same time, you recive awards like more commands, responsibility and space as you build, show dedication and improve yourself. You need to write a new application sorry. But thank you very much for applying, and I hope you consider re-applying!


By Flandyn

In Game Name : peter25715
Contry : Nazareth,IL
real name : peter sakhnini
Age : 16.5
English Level : (9-10)
Why I Want To Be Staff In This Server ? :-
I Want Help This Server And Help The People Very Happy
Who Told Me About This Server :-
My Friends Told Me About This AWESOME Server Very Happy
I Would Like To Be Mod As I Give All Players Respect No Matter What Their Rank Is, I Am Very Helpful And I Like To Help The Members And People On The Server. I Am Going To Be Online Quite a Lot And Be On Everyday. This Seems Liek a Really Fun Server. I am not an abuser I really don't like abusers, if there is another moderator abusing I shall report it to a admin so they can sort them and if there is a admin abusing I will report it to a co owner or owner. I am not one of those people that mutes for no reason I have seen others that do mute for no reson and I dont like that. I will not ban someone just because they win me in pvp or becuase they insult me. I will just ignore them and if they spam or carry on then I can mute them. I am mature and I will be respecting the rules and making sure others do not break the rules. I am also a trusted which is basically a mod on endcraft. I help a lot there and I like it there but want to try new servers just like this cool server slime showed me.
I Am Playing On 3 Servers But From Now Just this redstone server the Best server
From Now This is My fav.. server !!

-Peter, .. Thanks for Reading

By ahmad56203