posted by Mp5xz
on Sun, 2014-02-16 05:05
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I like to redstone, but I am not good at it. I would like to get into redstoning and get better at it. i feel like this would be the best place to learn about redstone is.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I don't know a lot, which is why I am here. I have looked up some redstone tutorials, but I need some help on them.
Past Redstone Experience:
Again, not a lot.
Sorry for such a short application, I would of made it longer, but I don't know that much about redstone, which again, is why I am here applying to join the server.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Sorry for such a short application, I would of made it longer, but I don't know that much about redstone, which again, is why I am here applying to join the server.
Application status:
Not approved
I'll be trying to help you to start a new and a good application! Past redstone experience is quite difficult, but once I met a person who wrote two paragraphs so about 7 lines about how he first mined his piece of redstone. I guess you're abit further than that. But unless you're unaware of redstone, writing two full lines are far from immpossible! You're allowed to write what you wish to learn, what your goal is to do. Is there any special projects you would like to start. Our most common goal is to be able to design each component of a computer and put it together to a working computer. You could write what tutorials you've been watching, do you know anything about the vocabulary? Are you able to make anything. A person that doesn't know anything about redstone at all, doesn't have much to do here. But if you have some kind of experience please mention it. In anything else you'd like to mention information like computer knownledge, language knownledge, general electrician knownledge etc. it's a helpful addition which someone of us could put to use.
Good luck with your next application, and you're allowed to copy from your OWN application ;)