Application 7120

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Before starting, i want precise that i'm french and excuse me if my english is bad. I'm interested to join this server because i love redstone even if i'm a beginer. It's precisely for this i want join this server, i'm beginer and i want learn more on redstone ! More, i like speak with english even if i'm french.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
As i already said, i'm beginner in redstone. But i know do basic systems like farm of wheat, ... I know too the "modules" of redstone, like Edge detector, T-Flip Flop, Pulse Limiter, ...
Past Redstone Experience: 
I think you'll laugh when i'll tell you my best creation ^^ Hmm... Probably my lottery but i did create that small systems. My lottery use just, hmm... i don't know how we say this in english but if i translate word for word, this gives "Hedge door"... Do you understand ^^ In french, we say "portes haies".
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I have nothing to say, just that your server is very nice ! ;) PS : Excuse me again if my english is not very well.
Application status: 


onlybob's picture

Hi. Your app is not bad but can you explain what your creation is in greater detail and how it works in detail (logic gates, etc.)? A comment below mine is fine, you don't have to make another app unless your explanation is not that good.

By onlybob

I think you talk about my lottery ? Oh, it's not very difficult like system ^^ The player press a button, this button active three dispensers. If one of these dispensers draw snowball, it's lose. But if the three dispensers draw dirt, these dirt fall on three wood pressure plate. These three wood pressure plate active three currents. These three currents cross two "hedge door" before active the dispenser who give a diamond. Contrariwise, if the player have press once the button and one or two dirts (but not three) have had draw, a security system cut the current of the button so that the player can press only once the button. If the player want replay, he need to pick the dirt.

I say again, i'm french and my english is bad so tell me if you have don't understand.

Thanks, xRambo5.

By xRambo5
Flandyn's picture

L'application est bien et votre anglais est bien. Bienvenue sur ce serveur!

By Flandyn