posted by Maiyr
on Tue, 2014-03-25 08:15
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
want to learn more about redstone, and it complexities. quite interested building a redstone house, with hidden areas.
Current Redstone knowledge:
well i know the very basics, but cant fully understand BUD switches to fully utilities them.
Past Redstone Experience:
built a 3 phase lock, which used 12 xnor gates, 3 and gates 3 memory states to hold each each correct combo. the xnor gates were used to allow each combo to be changed on the fly. there was a delay that reset the whole thing.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
not sure what can i say? im quite polite and willing to learn more.
Application status:
add ons
so after reading some more on the server, i do believe i can add some more.
this server is amazing, and yet intimidating, i see all these amazing creations yet i have no clue how they work or what they do. i look at these massive structures, and i realize the things i have been doing is childs play. i want to join this server to learn more then just mere traps, but how to automate a village, how to use redstone to its fullest.
as for my current knowledge is well, primitive. i can create 2x2 flawless doors. how to open doors, cause items to shoot out of dispensers, auto harvest wheat farms, and create a lighting grid as its got dark. i learned how to join redstone contraptions, to a few switches. outside of redstone i have basic knowledge of binary and hexadecimal.
as for past experiences, i have created a 2x2 trap door using pistons and placed redstone (was created a test silos for Voltz modpack, but rocket blew up before it could fully leave launcher.) earlier today i created first BUD switch, that linked to t flip-flop, which opened a 2x2 door. a separate single lead back to a reset OR gate that reset the t flip flop closing the 2x2, sadly could not properly hide the piston for the generic BUD switch.
what should i mention about myself? i do get on every so often, and with my Adults ADD, when i get focused my mind thinks about what i need to do, what needs to be created. i can be at work and my mind thinking about how i can go about creating something. and that is after i gained basic knowledge. i am capable of learning few things here and there, applying them to bigger picture creations, i tend to think logically which help alot of when im stumped.
well there isnt much else i can add, its getting late and i got kiddos who like to get up early.